You stroll through the park in the best weather with the pram and your four-legged friend trots along next to the pram on a loose leash – what a beautiful performance. But this scenario should not and should not be a mere thought – after all, it could save you a lot of stress. Here we give you tips for successfully walking your dog and child.
Line guidance
You guessed it already: The line guidance plays a central role in relaxed walks, with or without a stroller. In order for the dog to know how to walk correctly, it must first have learned how to do so. If the leashes are not yet in place, the training should begin calmly, first in the house without distraction, later in the garden and only then on the street. You might also want to arrange a few hours of training with a professional dog trainer, who has many years of experience and can help and guide you through the training.
Finally, if your dog knows what you want him to do, you can include the stroller (preferably without a child at first) in your training.
Dog and stroller
To ensure a relaxed atmosphere during the daily walk, your dog should not be afraid of the stroller. If this is the case, it is important that you take a few more steps back and start with the positive connection of the pram. This should be something great for the dog, after all, it is usually the reason why it goes outside into the countryside! Do not overwhelm your four-legged friend by asking him to walk very close to you. If he is still frightened by the vehicle, it is also completely ok if he keeps a little more distance, as long as he does not start to pull or be strongly distracted.
If your dog walks on your left side during normal walks, he should also walk there when you push the pram. Make sure that you are attentive and praise correct behaviour. Keep the training sessions short enough to avoid any misbehaviour that you might have to correct. Remember: your dog learns by success! That’s why it would be great if your husband, parents or parents-in-law could look after your child at the beginning so that you are not thrown into the deep end when you go for a walk together. This way you can go separately and give your child and your dog your undivided attention when you are out and about with them.
Important: No matter how well your dog will walk on the leash, never attach the leash directly to the pram. Unforeseen events can always occur. Your dog could get scared, jump on the leash and take the pram with him. So always keep the leash in your hand to avoid such accidents.
Where is the relaxation?
Good preparation is half the battle! So after a consistent training the dog would be ready to start. The only thing missing is your child and a good order. Think in advance about what you will need during the walk and where you will put these things to have them ready to hand in no time. Plan a longer walk so that you can take breaks that will help you relax. It makes sense to choose the route in such a way that your dog is allowed to romp and release accumulated energy in a suitable place. After all, the walk should not only be training for him, but also be fun and games. In addition to the good running on the leash, your dog also needs a balance in a suitable place to be allowed to be a dog. Depending on how your child allows you to do this, you can also throw or hide your four-legged friend’s favourite toy and have him bring it back afterwards. It will be much easier for your dog to continue walking next to the pram in a relaxed manner.
In between you can also head for a park bench to take a break. Let your dog lie down and if it calms you down more, tie the end of the leash to the bench. This way you can take care of your child or enjoy the peace and quiet. If your four-legged friend still has problems with waiting or relaxing, you can pack a chewing snack for him in case he takes such a break. The chewing will help him to come down and immediately connects the break with something positive.
It will take some time to develop a well-rehearsed process that suits everyone best. But when the time has come, it is something especially nice to be on the road together with your dog and child without stress, just as you would wish!
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If you want to walk your dog and child, have a look at the How to Walk a Dog With a Toddler
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